Wednesday, May 16, 2012

If you see me creeping up next to you to snap a profile shot, it's only because I want to make a silhouette.  That's not creepy at all, right?  I'm sort of in love.  After a decade (September it will be 10 years!) of being a nanny I am starting to run out of creative ideas for holidays.  I made silhouettes of my four favorite boys for their momma this Mother's Day.  Now I want to make more more more.  Ask Raena....she comes over for a lunch/art show date and I'm all like "can you stand against that white wall."  

This last month has also brought about another obsession.  The Russian & Turkish bath house in Miami.  If you've never been then you should definitely go.  If you go then you should definitely bring me.

This weekend I am going to Orlando with the best little sister in the world to see Screeching Weasel.  Everybody can get off their soapbox about it not really being Screeching Weasel.  I'm aware.  I'm ok with that and I'll be sure to throw ice at Ben Weasel.  It will be a fun show regardless.  

As much as I try to focus on the good in life I wouldn't be honest if I didn't acknowledge the bad too.  This month we lost a talented man unexpectedly and too soon.  He will live on forever through his music.

I also witnessed a homeless man take his own life.  I don't think as long as I live I will be able to shake what I saw.  Life is a scary, wild, bumpy ride.  Hold on and don't give up.  No matter how bad things get it will always get better.  It always does.

And because I refuse to end on a sad note I will turn this right around with the awesome arrival of JASPER!  Just when you thought The Burtons couldn't get any more adorable they add a little man to their crew.  Love!